Friday 11 April 2014

April Wish List

H&M has opened it's doors to Australia right here in Melbourne and I have to say; I'm impressed and I've fallen in love with the brand. So here's my wish list for this month which comprises of basic pieces from H&M in preparation for the cold and wet season ahead. 

xo Lil

Friday 7 March 2014

18th Birthday Celebrations

On the 21st of February I turned 18 (YAYY) and on the 22nd I celebrated the big one eight with my friends in the comfort of my home. Here are some happy snaps :)

xo Lil

Valentine's Day

On the 14th of February I spent my very first Valentine's Day with my man. 
When it comes to gifts for him, I only like getting things that I know he will use, even if they're really basic and boring gifts. So for Valentine's Day I got him socks and a nice tee from Topman. 

We had dinner at an Italian restaurant on Hardware Lane. Was not the best food so didn't take notice of the name of the place. It was over priced as well but I guess that's what you have to expect when eating out in the city. After dinner we walked around to enjoy the nice and warm weather and visited the 'Love Lock Bridge'. Cheesy, I know, but hey, I enjoyed the whole process of it and no one else seemed to judge us. 

P.S. Can not be bothered finishing off my Thailand/Vietnam post because I can not remember what the hell I even did over there so I apologise! 

xo Lil

Sunday 19 January 2014

Pattaya, Thailand

I spent the past week in Thailand with my parents and sister on a tour with 'Saigon Tourist'. The first 2 days were spent in Pattaya. The people there were always welcoming and friendly and the food was quite yummy (most of the time). 

Day 1
After a 1 hour flight from Vietnam to Thailand, we were picked up by our Thai tour guides and driven straight to Sriracha Tiger Zoo, Crocodile Farm and Zoo. I have to admit, even though I hate seeing animals being trapped in tight spaces and being poked and prodded with sticks by humans, watching the tigers perform was quite fascinating. After the tiger show, we also watched a Crocodile show and then headed back to our hotel to rest.

Day 2 
The next day we woke up early and walked over to the beach. We took a boat out to a dock to go para sailing. This was one of the best memories of Thailand for me. I was able to see over the city of Pattaya whilst being half a kilometre (just guessing) above the sea whilst also having a massive wedgie from the safety straps.    

After para sailing, we went back onto the boat to go to an island to jet ski and relax on the beach. 

We then went back to the hotel to wash up and get ready to go out to lunch. After lunch, we watched a cultural show and an elephant show at a place...I don't remember what is was called (sorry!). We got to feed the elephants and I also got to take a photo sitting on one.

For dinner we had buffet style hot pot and then went to watch 'Alcazar' - a show in which transgenders lip sync to songs in different languages in beautiful costumes and stage sets. I was so amazed by how beautiful some of these men/women were. It was quite a spectacular show. Definitely something you can not miss if you come to Pattaya.

xo Lil

Sunday 5 January 2014


Well once you spend almost every day with someone, one tends to run out of ideas for things to do. So we decided to go to Ikea (mainly for the food), even though we clearly do not need any furniture or home appliances. Afterwards we had time left over so we decided to head to the beach.

xo Lil