Tuesday 19 November 2013

Back To It

Hello non existent reader! 
Year 12 is over and exams are over (big BIG sigh of relief) and so I can finally get back into blogging. Here's a summary and some happy snaps of my final week of high school. 
On the last day of school, we all donned the 'Miley' for our last day of high school classes ever. It was definitely a very emotional day filled with tears of sadness and of joy. At 3.30pm we all threw our hats off the mansion balcony - a tradition that year 12s do every year to mark the end of their high school journey.

The day after was Celebration Day (AKA Muck Up Day). Charlene and I came as the twins from 'The Shining'.  

To end the week of celebrations before exams started, we had our Valedictory Dinner with our families and year 12 teachers. Food was not great but nevertheless, it was still a memorable night. 
Earrings and jumpsuit from Topshop.

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