Monday 2 December 2013

I'm Not Dead Yet

Feel like I have no purpose in life at the moment since we have no school and uni hasn't started. But anyway, don't take a lot of photos every time I do go out so here's a compilation of the highlights of the past 2 weeks.
1. Macarons from Andy, how cute is the gold platter?
2. I really want a dog, preferably a huski but they're $2000 or something...
3. Picnic with my babes
4. Froyo never fails to make me happy
5. Walks by the river with Steph and her adorable dog Suzi
6. Drawing I did for Andy and for my Monash Communication Design interview

7. Pre-interview lunch date with Andy at La Porchetta
8. Parma night with the 'Parma Crew' at Lake House in Edgewater
9. Walk by the river after Parma night
10. Date night dessert
11. Date night
12. Christmas present from Dad 
(you can buy it here)
13. Benefit mascara. Not that great to be honest...I like my Maybelline mascara more

xo Lil

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