Saturday 4 January 2014


As a present for finishing year 12 well my Mum took me out shopping. Started off with breakfast at Highpoint. I had a mocha from Cupcake Central for the first time and it was divine. Then we headed to DFO. The shoes were $38 from Lipstick and the dresses were $10 each from Glassons. Definitely enjoyed the long overdue catch up with Mum. 

On the 21st of December went to Harsha's 18th birthday. It was just a small and cute gathering filled with food and more food. 

Went to Cupake Central again with Andy and this time, we tried some baby cupcakes. I had Cookies n Cream and he had Carrot cake. They were also delicious. I love love love the decor of the place. 

On Christmas Day, Andy came over and we baked ginger break cookies. 

Stephanie finally got her Ps and Jenny came back finally came back from her adventures in America so the girls and I caught up for Maccas and drinking games.

So they were some of the highlights of my December wew.

xo Lil

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